A 5-Minute Habit That Will Bring More Structure To Your Life
Tame the mental hurricane of thoughts and decisions and tasks and get back to a place of grounded action.
In a recent conversation, a friend of mine used a great metaphor to describe how he’s been feeling lately: as if he is driving a complex spaceship full of levers and buttons and decisions to make, but feeling a desire to switch to an automatic car where all he has to do is steer the wheel and remember to pull the hand break every once in a while.
The next day, a student in one of my courses said that he feels like he is always in “go” mode, always in the element of fire, and he needs more Earth — more grounding, more space to breathe and think.
To be honest, I’ve been feeling similarly recently—like no matter how much I do I’m always falling behind, and like there is so much complexity in my life that I can’t possibly ever organize it or make sense of it.
The problem is not that I have too much to do
Sometimes I feel like I just can’t handle things anymore—the uncertainty in my work, the constant need for creativity and decision making, all the messages to reply to, the constant pressure to “catch up”.